5 Missed Cleaning Spots In Your House You Should Get
No matter how many times you go over your kitchen counter or living room carpet, dusting and scrubbing, there will always be a spot that you might miss.These can be little corners that you don’t notice or even bigger spots that might not be within your field of vision. Whatever it may be, giving your house a good clean is essential to keep it looking shiny and most importantly, germ-free.
Let’s take a look at some of the spots in your house that might need cleaning
1. Cushions
You’ve scrubbed the armrest of the couch, but what about the cushions that go through so much throughout the day? It is important to give them a little extra attention when cleaning.Cushions made of fabric should be vacuumed to remove crumbs and dust particles. For spots, use an upholstery cleaning spray.
2. Ceiling Fan
Look up right now and you’ll come face to face with a fan that needs cleaning. Ceiling fans are the number one magnets of dust. This can be dangerous especially for toddlers and asthma patients as they can inhale the dust that may fall off the fan.Always dust, and then wipe down every blade of the fan efficiently.
3. Nooks and Corners
From a distance, the little corner of the ceiling looks spotless. But if you look closer, you’ll probably find cobwebs that have accumulated in one spot.Every time you run the vacuum cleaner, be sure to give the corners of your room quick dusting to make sure that no cobwebs are making their place against the nooks and corners of your walls.
4. Front Door
Your front door is the first thing people see when they enter your house. Keeping it clean and free from dust will give a good impression when you’re expecting guests. To give your front door a shiny look, spray some surface cleaner on it, before wiping it down with a cloth.If you want to go for something a little more natural, mix lukewarm water with vinegar and use the mixture as a surface cleaner instead.
5. Baseboards
These are the spots that should be your priority when doing a deep cleaning of the house.Baseboards are very susceptible to dust and can look dirty even with the thinnest layer of dust.After you vacuum the carpet, be sure to give the baseboards a quick rub down. For an added flair, mix one-part lavender oil with water. This will leave your house smelling of lavender.
Contact Get Set Clean
If you want your house to be cleaned from top to bottom at the most affordable prices by a team of professional cleaners in London, then contact Get Set Clean. They provide various professional cleaning services based on your needs.If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share it on your favourite social media sites.