How a Clean Office Can Boost Productivity
Many companies insist on keeping their offices neat and tidy to let their customers know that they are organised and reliable. And they are right. Nothing screams 'bad business' more than a cluttered office with tired employees and coffee stains all over the desks.
But there’s one more thing these companies may be aware of that makes them more successful than others: cleanliness makes employees more productive, a thing proven by a series of recent studies. For example, a group of researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands has found that employees who work in a professionally cleaned office have a higher work satisfaction level that translates into faster and better task completion.
Hiring a professional office cleaning service can bring you more benefits than you ever thought it would, and here are five of the most important:
People Pride Themselves on Working in a Clean and Nicely Decorated Office
Although there are plenty of domestic cleaning services in London, not all employees can afford to hire them and often come home to a lot of chores that drain the last drop of energy they have left. Some may even find it difficult to keep their homes decluttered all the time, so coming to work every day to find a safe, clean environment filled with light and smelling fresh can give them a boost of positivity.
A clean office where everything works optimally reflects the employees’ achievements. They have worked hard to get a job that offers them decent working conditions, and they are not ashamed to tell their friends and family where they work or invite them to their office.
A clean kitchen in the morning, freshly wiped desks, and a floor that doesn’t stick can make all the difference. People at your office will feel safer, calmer, and more energised. Plus, they will appreciate your effort of making them feel more at home.
Better Focus
Some employees just don’t cope well with dirt and clutter. They find it difficult to concentrate if there is dust all over the place or the floor hasn’t been washed in months. They may be spending hours trying to find focus but be bothered by the general smell of uncleanliness. It may be in their mind, or you might have neglected cleaning the space lately. Either way, you have some competent people unable to do their job optimally because the offices aren’t clean enough.
Let a team of cleaning professionals bring perfect cleanliness to your working space and follow your employees’ reactions after the first session of cleaning. You may be surprised to see that some of them can actually deliver their reports on time.
Less Stress Equals Fewer Unproductive Work Hours
According to this study published in Current Psychology, people who deal with clutter are more likely to experience an important decrease in satisfaction with life. Some may be already struggling with this problem at home, so providing them with a tidy space where they can feel comfortable can help them find the balance they lack in their life.
Working in a dusty, cluttered space where things are hard to find can increase stress levels. Moreover, your employees may feel that they are put at risk by the dirty environment, especially if the kitchen and the bathroom are neglected.
This problem can be solved in only a few hours per week by a team of expert cleaners that can methodically tidy up, wipe, and disinfect your space, thus reducing your employees’ worries and allowing them to keep on with their daily tasks.
Healthier Employees
Every time an employee gets sick, your company loses money. Sick days are a necessity, and all employees have the right to take one in a while to deal with their health problems. There is absolutely no room for discussion here. But what if their work environment is what is making them ill? Uncontrolled dust can make people who suffer from allergies feel worse, whilst an improperly cleaned and disinfected bathroom can lead to virus and bacteria spread and an epidemic of gastroenteritis.
If we look at the report regarding sickness absence in the UK in 2021 provided by the Office for National Statistics, one of the main reasons for skipping work was "other" conditions, which often can include food poisoning, stomach problems, the flu, or infection with COVID-19.By ensuring proper hygiene at work, you can prevent a part of the sicknesses related to this aspect and reduce the number of days your employees may need to call in sick.
More Creativity
Creativity is important in any environment, not only in art or media industries. However, it is an intense thinking process that requires a lot of concentration, something your employees may not be able to do if the office is too cluttered or there is not enough attention paid to hygiene. If all it takes is to provide cleanliness, then why not do it?
Increased Motivation
When employees sense that things are falling apart around them, they may feel less motivated to keep going. Neglecting cleanliness is one of the first signs that your company doesn’t operate at the high standards it is expected and that there is a lack of interest or resources coming from management. By maintaining cleanliness, you let your employees know that everybody is completely involved in the business and nothing less is expected on their part. If they see you are motivated to keep all things in order, they will also find themselves motivated to follow you.
We Can Help
Get Set Clean handles office cleaning services in London and the nearby areas and can help you create the safe and clean working environment your employees deserve. We work only with experienced cleaners who will dust and wipe every nook and cranny until everything looks perfect.
We deliver commercial cleaning services at the highest professional standards and can guarantee that your office will look impeccable in just a few hours.
Get in touch with us if you need more information or book our services directly. You can also book us for a thorough house cleaning in London.