Cleaning Routines – Tricks For The Busy Ones But Not Only
Cleaning up, just like making a mess, is a process. You could sacrifice an entire weekend to do a thorough clean-up or you could think smart about it and set up a few daily and weekly cleaning routines that will ease your work. Remember our 20-minute weekly kitchen cleaning routine?
Imagine you could extend it to an entire house… All of a sudden, the burden turns into a manageable chore that can even be timed in minutes, spread throughout the days of the week.
Here are the top 3 reasons why cleaning routines work!
- Cleaning routines help divide work – you can accomplish an otherwise lengthy task by splitting it into several shorter stages and feel less intimidated about it;
- Cleaning routines are predictable – you know exactly when and what you need to do and you have fewer chances or reasons to postpone;
- Cleaning routines fit your schedule – you can set up precisely as much or as little time as you want or need for a certain routine.
In other words, a cleaning routine is a house cleaning schedule that you can follow regularly. It gives you structure, the possibility to plan ahead and it certainly reduces the time and effort that you need to put into the household cleaning chores. Ultimately, it shifts the focus from working like crazy and disliking it all the way to working focused, a few minutes a day, and enjoying the results.
What kind of routines can you set up, precisely?
The beauty of setting up cleaning routines is that you should be able to cater them to your personal needs and preferences. There’s no universal recipe for that and it certainly depends from one home to another. The GetSetClean professional cleaning agents, for instances, have their own routines when it comes to bathroom cleaning, kitchen cleaning, and any other particular cleaning service. But they also have the experience and the speed required to cover larger surfaces in a shorter period of time.
You, on the other hand, can try to…
- Set aside 10 minutes every day for walking around the house and gathering as many misplaced things as you can, putting them to the right place;
- Set the rule of washing the dishes whenever the sink is full (no dirty dishes are allowed to sit anywhere else than in the sink) and taking out the trash whenever the bin is full (no more milk bottles or pizza boxes resting next to the garbage bin;
- Allocate one drawer or one special box to throw in all the miscellaneous and get in there once a week to sort things out;
- Use a couple of natural cleaning recipes and overnight scrubs that you can apply before you go to bed and simply wash and rinse in the morning;
- Focus on cleaning one room each day or doing one major chore in all rooms each day – like you could clean the kitchen every Monday or choose to vacuum the entire house every Thursday;
- Alternate chores from one week to another – instead of having to change and wash the bed linens and towels each week, change the bed linens one week and the towels the next week.
If you don’t know where to start from, you could begin by making a list with all the cleaning chores around the house and then break up all those chores and tasks into daily, weekly and monthly activities. As always, you could also make a routine out of using the GetSetClean app and booking an agent for weekly or even fortnightly cleaning sessions.
That’s also a great cleaning routine…