Alternative Ways to Keep a Fresh Smell
Alternative Ways to Keep a Fresh Smell
There are plenty of ways to make your home smell fresh, but if you don’t want to use any artificial air fresheners, then here is a look at alternative ways to keep a fresh smell in your home.The first thing that you will need to do, though, is make sure that your home is thoroughly clean and that all garbage is removed from the home and that any bad smells are dealt with.
Create a Stove Simmer
You can create a fresh aroma in your home with a stove simmer. Simmer water in a small saucepan and add citrus slices, cinnamon, lavender, mint or any other fragrant herb. The heat from the water will permeate the sweet scent through your home.
Light Candles
Candles are an obvious choice when you want to introduce a fresh smell into your home, but placing them strategically can increase their effectiveness. You can place unlit candles where your fabrics are stored as they will be able to absorb the scent without them being lit. Lit candles in the kitchen can create a sweet aroma when you are cooking and at the dinner table not only do they produce a fresh smell but also ambiance.
Bring in Some of the Outdoors
Indoor plants are a great way to introduce a fragrance into your home, but they also clean the air and beautify your home. If you want a fragrant plant in your home, try Arabian jasmine, geraniums, gardenias, Cuban oregano and corsage orchids.
Oil Burners
Oil burners don’t actually produce that much smoke. An oil burner will have a small tea light that is placed above a small bowl that contains a fragrant oil. You will only need a few drops of the essential oil and some water in the bowl. The heat that is generated from the tea light will warm the oil, which will then release the scent.
Reed Diffusers
Reed diffusers are another great way to create a pleasant aroma in your home. These usually contain an oil and reed sticks. The sticks are placed in the oil, which is then absorbed by the reeds and disperses the aroma. These are most effective when placed in an area that has constantly moving air like by a doorway. No one wants to have a smelly home and there are ways you can create a fresh aroma that is dispersed throughout an area to make sure that you and your guests are always welcomed by a beautiful scent.
Now that we’ve talked about alternative ways to keep a fresh smell in your home, let’s not forget about keeping your home clean and tidy. After all, if your home is not spic and span, no trick can help you get rid of those pesky smells. If you are not willing to clean up your home yourself, then you can easily book a trusted cleaning company in London and let them take care of this knackering task for you. Our domestic cleaners in London will make sure that your space is thoroughly cleaned, sanitised and smells amasing.