Master Some Overnight Scrubs Recipes – Let It Do The Hard Work For You
If you had the chance to check our bathroom cleaning guide and our kitchen cleaning tips, you already have a couple of natural cleaning solutions at hand. But most of them are focused on fast cleaning and we have to admit that sometimes, we really feel the need to spray some cleaning solution and let it rest while we rest. The next day, it doesn’t just feel easier to wipe off the dirt, but it actually is, thanks to the overnight cleaning scrubs…
Have we caught your attention? Coming up next, you will have to arm yourself with baking soda, a couple of different essential oils and white vinegar. Baking soda and essential oils are quite common ingredients for homemade cleaning products. If you’re into green cleaning products as well, you have to try the following mixtures:
For mould and mildew
Mix ¼ cup of baking soda with 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil. Next, dilute the paste with 2 cups of water. This mixture is great for removing mould and mildew, if you let it sit on the affected surfaces for up to 24 hours. Then you can scrub and rinse.
For the toilet surfaces
Try mixing together half of cup of baking soda with one cup of distilled white vinegar. For fragrance and disinfection, try as little as half teaspoon of tea tree essential oil. This natural scrub for the toilet can be sprayed not only inside the toilet bowl, but also on the seat and the water tank. You can even soak the toilet brush in it. Inside the bowl can be left for hours, while the seat, the lid and the water tank should be rinsed after a few minutes. Either way, it kills the germs and it certainly freshens up the air.
For the greasy oven
The overnight solution for greasy ovens is as simple as a pot of baking soda and a pot of boiling water left on two different racks, in the heated oven, for 12 hours or so. It will loosen all that dirt and help you clean it up easily the next day.
For the kitchen sink
Make a paste from 2 cups of baking soda and 8 drops of tea-tree essential oil and 8 drops of lemon essential oil. Pour it in the sink, drizzle some castile soap on top of it and let it rest for a few hours. For best results, make sure that the sink is not completely dry when you spread the paste!
As a final tip, if you’re planning a major cleaning intervention the next day, you can freshen up your cleaning instruments – sponges and brushes in particular, by soaking it in white vinegar and letting it rest overnight. You’ll see that even if you book a cleaning session, the cleaning person will ask you to provide certain cleaning products. Having the brushes and sponges prepared this way will make everyone’s work much easier. While we don’t guarantee that these overnight scrub solutions will make you fall in love with the house cleaning chores, it will certainly make it all more bearable…
And if you still feel like you don’t want to invest precious time in the cleaning of your home, our Get Set Clean team of professional cleaners is ready to help you with this awful job. Book a cleaner with just a few clicks on our website or app and enjoy a spotless home in no time.